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  1. Red Leaf and Cactus Pear Autumn Salad


    1. Using spiralizer, turn zucchini into long strands, trimming with clean kitchen shears. Using small sharp knife, slice off each end of cactus pear and make cut in thick skin from top to bottom. Peel back thick skin and discard. Slice fruit; set aside.

    2. Whisk together oil, vinegar, shallot, lemon zest, lemon juice, mustard, honey, salt and pepper. Toss zucchini, cactus and lettuce with dressing; top with figs and walnuts.


    Sprinkle crumbled goat cheese or blue cheese over top if desired.

  2. Green Leaf Salad

    This salad recipe is adorable – it really looks like bunnies nestled in fresh spring grass. Your kids will love it!

    Prep Time: 15 minutes

    6 chilled canned pear halves
    curly green leaf
    12 raisins
    6 cinnamon red hot candies
    12 blanched almonds
    1-1/4 cups cottage cheese or flavored yogurt

    Arrange pear halves cut side down, on curly green leaf lettuce. The narrow end will be the bunny’s face. Place raisins in pear to form eyes, and stick on red hot for nose. Stick almonds into the pear just behind the eyes to make ears.

    The cottage cheese or yogurt scoop (about 1/4 cup for each bunny) forms the bunny’s tail. Admire, then enjoy!

    Makes 6
